IAE Nantes - Université de Nantes

Cécile Clergeau is a professor at the University of Nantes, she teaches at the IAE – Economics and Management and does her research at the Laboratory of Economics and Management of Nantes Atlantique (LEMNA).

She is a scientific advisor to the Business Science Institute for the Executive DBA Tourism & Hospitality programme developed in partnership with Excelia.

She is the honorary president of the Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme, a scientific association she created in 2013. Her research focuses on the management of tourism activities, and in particular on the strategy of tourism companies and territories.

She has published, among others, “Management des entreprises du tourisme, Stratégie et organisation” (Dunod) written in partnership with P. Violier and O. Glasberg, and “La recherche en management du tourisme” (Vuibert) co-edited with N. Peypoch.